A little bit about me

I am a worshiper of Jesus Christ!
I grew up in a Christian home but did not come to saving faith until early adulthood. I was once filled with selfish ambition and only sought God for His hand and what He could give me. Though I claimed to be a Christian, I continually rejected Christ in my every day life by worshiping many other things and saying, "my will, not yours!" I was an absolute impersonator until one glorious summer day when I opened my Bible and began reading through the New Testament. Through the truth of God's Word, the Lord opened my eyes to all of my sin and showed me who I am in comparison to a righteous and Holy God. I realized my desperate need for a Savior because I finally saw the weight of my own sin and what I truly deserved - hell. The Lord, in his great mercy, forgave me and transformed my heart into a new creation. Quite contrary to my old self, I now have a passionate desire to worship and glorify God, as well as tell others about Him and the monumental message of the Gospel.
With the Lord's help, I laid all of my selfish ambitions down at the foot of the cross, along with the many gods I had been worshiping throughout my life, and I mourned over my sin and how far I had been from Christ all my life. There is not an ounce of me that deserves this mercy from the Lord, yet here I stand as a changed woman in right standing before God, not because of anything I did, but because of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross paid the penalty for my sin by satisfying God's wrath. This is the reason I am forgiven and made right before God. What a reason to celebrate and share the truth with others!
I make music videos for the body of Christ!
Every music video I create is for the purpose of glorifying God and encouraging and uplifting the body of Christ. I don't make videos for the sake of entertainment, but I create them with the purpose of sharing the truth of God's Word with whomever comes across them! My desire is to share projects that point directly to Christ, whether it be through the truthful message of an old hymn or by capturing footage of God's creation. The world is constantly pulling our gaze away from what is true, so I long to be a source that proclaims nothing other than the truth.
I work completely alone.
This means that everything you see and hear in my videos has been created by yours truly. I arrange, orchestrate, perform, record, mix & master, film, edit, the list goes on. I learned to do all of these things by way of research and watching tutorials. I have a little home studio where I produce all of my creations and it has been both a joy and a labor of love. I've experienced many highs and lows during this creative journey, like hearing amazing stories of how my recordings have been of encouragement to someone going through great hardship, to dealing with crippling self-doubt and seldom being able to please myself. Running this little ministry, being my own boss, interacting with people online, and being responsible for every single step and detail has not proven easy. However, I've chosen to function this way for the purpose of remaining free to creatively share the truth.
Music education, influences, and experiences.
I grew up in rural Pennsylvania where bluegrass/Appalachian music took center stage. Starting violin lessons at the age of five, I began to learn how to play the fiddle and competed in bluegrass competitions across Pennsylvania. Competing gave me great incentive to practice as a child.
In high school my main musical influences were that of film composers. I fell in love with the Lord of the Rings soundtrack and ate up the works of John Powell, Danny Elfman, Hans Zimmer, John Williams, and many other great composers. I always had an innate interest in composing, arranging, and filming, and dreamed of making music videos at an early age. I can recall sitting in church as a kiddo, paying no attention to the sermon, but daydreaming about the music videos I desperately wanted to create. It wasn't until later in my teens when I was able to purchase my first mac computer, equipped with Garageband and a twelve dollar computer microphone, that I started to finally make music videos.
In high school I developed great interest in Celtic music. My first exposure to this genre was through a CD my Mom had played. I found the sound to be so dreamy and filled with much more depth than some of the other music I had listened to or played. Not only was it lively, but it was also filled with a mystery that I wanted to further investigate. To my ears, the penny whistle was the most beautiful instrument I had ever heard. I began to explore this style of music and fell even deeper in love with it. I would eventually let bluegrass go and fully submerge myself in both Celtic and movie music, and later enter music school for a classical music education at Liberty University.
My current biggest musical influences are Thomas Bergersen, Christopher Tin, Howard Shore, Keith & Kristyn Getty, and the beautiful pages of hymnals. My desire is to take what is old and make it new through the filters of Celtic and film music genres.
I'm a homebody through and through.
If you're wondering where I am, I'm most likely at home. Since as far back as I can remember, I have always loved being at home. Don't get me wrong, I love going on adventures, exploring the world, and filming in beautiful scenic locations, but coming home after an adventure is always one of the greatest highlights of the journey for me. I find such joy in existing in a place, my place, set aside to worship the Lord. Though my earthly home has supplied me with much comfort in this life, I look forward to the day that I leave this earth and arrive at my permanent home in heaven. What a relief it will be to live with a mind untainted by sin and a body not prone to illness. Along with all of God's children, I will be made new and will spend all of eternity glorifying and worshiping Him. What a home that will be.